Over the next few months, we will be posting guest blogs from a selection of our members (old, new and current) who will be sharing their thoughts from various angles of the theatre. If you’d like to write something for us, drop us a line!
I am Theo Diedrick and I am currently studying a BA (Hons) Actor Musician course at the Guildford School of Acting.
I have always been completely taken by the arts, especially music and drama. Growing up, I joined local theatre groups and auditioned for their productions, much like I have for the Mill Theatre. I auditioned for Parade in 2015. My Dad and myself both got in, although I couldn’t participate due to being in a school production at the same time, for which I felt mortified.
I later auditioned for Kaye Vincent and Kaye Tompkins’ new musical: Cloud, which was a huge success and a fantastic, wholesome piece to be a part of. Being involved in such a team of creatives is so inspiring, especially if you decide you want to pursue a career in the arts, but also for the warm, family feeling you get from the experience, much like when you return home after a long, tiresome journey.
The bonds you make in theatre are insane and life-changing, and most definitely has shaped my passion for performing. Not only was Cloud particularly special to me, but I also had my Dad gripped in this wonderful experience of putting on theatre. I encouraged him in the process and he did the same for me, too.
Being in the arts, and especially the practice of creating arts, has vastly aided my confidence, being able to audition and get into one of the top drama schools in the UK. For anyone who knows they love the arts, but have never pursued it, just know its never too late to start and don’t let anyone say they are unimportant or “not a true subject” or that it’s not a “sensible career path”. If you love the arts like I do, you would grasp onto any and every opportunity you possibly can that will help you reach your dreams of becoming a famous singer, dancer or comedian, of becoming a painter, set-designer, lighting technician or backstage manager; absolutely anything in the huge sector that comes under the creative arts.
I would say to you: follow your heart; it doesn’t matter how small your dream is or how far-fetched you make it out to be. Work hard for it and you will achieve; it’s the small stepping-stone achievements that make an impactful difference in the long run.