Our Youth programme

Sharnbrook Mill Theatre Youth is part of the full Mill society yet has a unique character of its own. Youth activities are led by a mix of fully-qualified teaching professionals, long-standing youth performers and experts in a range of technical fields.

We have recently entered into a creative partnership with Umbrella Theatre Academy, under the leadership of Louise Devonshire-Mander. You can read more about the new Youth theatre groups run by Umbrella here. We are also grateful to have the support of Wildchild Youth Drama.


Contacting Sharnbrook Mill Theatre Youth

You can contact us at youth@sharnbrookmilltheatre.co.uk. Alternatively, contact us using this form.

Summer Activities

We have three days of workshops over the Summer. More details here.


The safety of our Youth members (and the adults tutoring and assisting them) is paramount and therefore all adults involved are vetted and have to obtain an Enhanced DBS Check. No adult will be on their own with a child at any point and we will always assign at least two adults to every activity involving our Youth members. Our full safeguarding guidelines are part of our Health and Safety guidelines and can be read here.