Four NODA awards for Sharnbrook Mill Theatre!

We are delighted to report that The Mill won four awards at the regional NODA (National Operatic and Dramatic Association) Awards Gala on Sunday. Our community theatre group took home three District 2 gongs for two of our sold out 2023 productions. The classic Little Women was awarded Best Drama, […]

Endings and Beginnings in December 2022

Saturday was a very emotional night for everyone involved with our latest production – Nativity! The Musical. The cast and audience members gathered to thank the large team behind all the hard work. From staging to costumes, sound, lighting, direction, choreography and front-of-house… In fact, the list goes on and […]

New Chairman for Sharnbrook Mill Theatre announced

Sharnbrook Mill Theatre is pleased to announce that Tim Jackson-Waite will take over the role as Chairman of the Sharnbrook Mill Theatre Trust at the end of the year, when Douglas Pope retires. Tim joined us in 2015 and has appeared in many shows since, as this photo from our […]

Meet the Governor and Ask the Chair with Douglas Pope

Today, we’re excited to bring you a video interview with our Chair of Governors, Douglas Pope. Doug has been a member of Sharnbrook Mill since before The Mill became a theatre and it’s fascinating to hear him talk about his memories and also about how he sees the future of […]

A Message from our Chairman

2020 has been an interesting year, to say the least. Like many theatres across the county and country, we’ve had to close our doors to performing plays and musicals – and for the first time since the original society was formed as part of the war effort in 1943, we […]